GATE Aerospace

A virtual guide for "Gate Aerospace Engineering"
Attention! "Gate Aerospace Engineering aspirants", A virtual guide for gate aerospace engineering is provided over here for helping you meticulously prepare for GATE examination. 

Important Concepts & Formulae*:

Engineering Mathematics:


Flight Mechanics:

Space Dynamics:

Aircraft Structures:

Aircraft Propulsion:

General Aptitude:

Online Support & Resources
"Let's Crack GATE Aerospace!"
Video Credits: Unacademy

Respective notes of individual subjects are provided as 'Embedded Google Docs' which are frequently updated. This comprehensive guide is intended to efficiently serve as an extensive collection of online resources for "GATE Aerospace Engineering" which can be accessed free of cost.

* The "X - Sheets GATE – AERONAUTICAL (1st Edition, 2013)" shared under 'Important concepts & Formulae' section is shared in public interest. Its copyrights belongs to Ramanathan V. The content is embed abiding the following notice provided in the book 

"All part of this publication may be re-produced, stored in a retrieval system or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, web or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher."


  1. In aerodynamics u have mentioned topics removed which are actually in the syllabus,can u pls verify that

    1. I have verified,
      By topics removed I meant, the words/terms have been removed or reframed!
      As far as aerodynamics syllabus is concerned, the topics under (Potential flow theory: i.e. Viscosity, Reynold's number) these terms have been removed.
      But this doesn't mean that these topics are not for GATE, they have been removed because some other topic already includes it. You cannot neglect them anyway.

      For official GATE 2021 syllabus use this authentic IIT Bombay's GATE 2021 page link:

      Thank You, Happy Learning:)

  2. I need flight mechanics pdf that you have mentioned above. I am not able to download it.
    Please if there share it.

    1. As of now you need to refer through the embedded links! The download link will be available once the material is completed.

  3. I found this great thing when its 4 days to go for GATE 2021. Idk how much its going to help me, but I see some serious effort put here, which deserves massive respect. So this is a huge Congratulations!! to the team and everyone involved. Its a great work!! And I'm sure it would be a great help to lot of students!

    Awareness about such sites is spreading!!
    All your hardwork is starting to pay off!

    And we all genuinely are thankful and grateful for such great help given to us for free! Almost NO institution does that for Aerospace in India. Aerospace knowledge wasn't free until now...

    All the best for future!

    1. Thank you for your benevolent appreciation dear aspirant. It does mean something that someone has taken time to appreciate this effort #Age of Aerospace. There are lot more resources available for us to explore.
      And good luck with your academics and career my dear friend.

  4. Hey, great blog on aeronautical engineering! Your post explained things in a way that even someone like me, who's not into science much, could understand.


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