Sunday 12 July 2020

STARLINK – Satellite Constellation

In today’s world we use optical fibres and cellular technologies to support our internet and communication requirement. All our cell phones, smart gadgets except satellite phones use cellular networks. But future communication technologies may be astonishing and way beyond our thinking. SpaceX’s is working on a space-based Internet communication system which can provide low cost internet accessibility around globe known as “STARLINK”.

Video Credits: Real Engineering
Real Engineering

A satellite constellation consisting of 12,000 satellites is planned to be launched for the mission. This satellite constellation is designed to cover the whole globe providing a global internet accessibility. It may seem to be a hypothetical project but to our surprise the project has moved from research & development to manufacturing. Initial commercial operations are... planned to be started by 2020. As a part of testing 60 satellites were successfully launched into a 450 km orbit on 24 May 2019.The full operational constellation would contain K band, K band and V-Band satellites.

The total project cost is estimated to be approximately $10 million US dollars. The project is expected to be fully operational by 2030. Though there is a potential threat of space debris, SpaceX has promised to mitigate with collision avoiding technology. Astronomers fear that these constellations may hinder in their observations. Anti-glare technology is being utilised to mitigate this issue. Though the efficiency rate of this technique is still unknown. Lets see what future holds.

Video Credits: Newsthink

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