Wednesday, 3 June 2020

GE9X - The Propulsive Beast

Earlier horses used to pull the cart, but in this modern age of engineering engines typically perform in practical terms of horse power for propelling the associated vehicle.Realistically be it a motorcycle or a powered aircraft, both are powered/propelled by engines? But what's special in the engines used by aviation industry?

Video Credits: GE Aviation

If you have instantly guessed it to be the difference in power delivered (i.e. propulsive power) , you have guessed it right! But how much notable difference in common is it? Roughly speaking, a motorcycle delivers 100 horse power.In direct contrary a jet engine (GE9X) is popularly believed to deliver a maximum 1,30,000 horse power. Its like 1,30,000 horses pulling the cart at the same instance. This is said to be twice the power "Titanic." Humongous right! But wait 👀, more number of horse power doesn't mean it can be faster, it just means it can pull more weight! i.e. Greater the horse power greater the weight it can conveniently carry. From an pioneering aviator's practical perspective

"Talking about jet engines in HP really doesn't make much sense, but media likes to do it."

Why is it so? Basically, it's a conflict of "James Watt Vs Newton" a war of "Engineer Vs Scientist." Technically, the fundamental laws of operation differ remarkably. Based on the horse power value, the mentioned figure '1,30,000 hp' may be completely erroneous. According to GE reports it is around 29,000 hp. It is even predicted to be 800 hp for an Airbus A380's engine by KLM.

For now let's abandon the technical units and get into some fascinating facts about GE9X jet engine. It holds the Guinness world record for "Most powerful commercial aircraft jet engine (test performance)". Words genuinely seem to be boring so promptly lets instantly see the other facts in pictorial form.

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"In foreseeable future if you get a chance to travel in a GE9X powered aircraft, do experience the humongous power."

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